Wessex Domestic Appliance Descaler
This month’s blog is all about our Wessex Domestic Appliance Descaler.
Did you know that a build up of limescale will affect the energy efficiency of your appliance, meaning that you will spend more money on energy to use it and at the current time, this must be something we all want to avoid! Not only that but it effects the lifespan of appliances meaning that they are more likely to fail and need replacing. And when it comes to Britain’s favourite hot beverage tea, limescale can really affect the taste! And that is definitely not a good thing. But we have the answer!

Wessex Domestic Appliance Descaler is a formic based descaler and is food safe so can be used on metal or plastic small appliances, such as kettles, coffee machines, steam irons and showerheads, where scale build-up presents a problem. Since most appliances can be descaled with just 80ml of Wessex Domestic Appliance Descaler, a 500ml bottle will descale six appliances making it great value for money and should help you avoid costs associated with limescale build up!
It is quick and safe to use, although we recommend using it in a well-ventilated area as the formic acid smell is quite sharp.
Kettles: Half fill the kettle with water and bring to the boil. Unplug and stand kettle in an empty sink. Open a window or turn on ventilation systems. Add 80ml of Domestic Appliance Descaler. Leave for 5 minutes or until effervescence has stopped. Pour the contents away. Rinse the kettle thoroughly and wipe clean the outside surface to remove all traces of descaler. Refill the kettle with water and boil again. Pour the contents away.

Showerheads: Firstly, disconnect the showerhead from the shower. Mix one part of Wessex Domestic Appliance Descaler with eight parts warm water in a jug. Fully submerge the showerhead in the mixture. Leave for five minutes or until the liquid has stopped fizzing. Thoroughly wash out the showerhead with fresh water.

Steam irons: Plug the iron in and allow to warm up. Mix one part of Wessex Domestic Appliance Descaler to eight parts water in a jug. Carefully pour the contents into the iron’s water chamber. Set control to ‘steam’ and hold iron over the sink or a bowl and allow the mixture to drain through steam holes, shaking gently if necessary. Briefly operate the steam/spray buttons. Empty the contents. Rinse the water chamber thoroughly twice with water. Wipe the sole plate clean.

Coffee Machine: Assemble the coffee machine as usual but with no filter paper. Mix one part Wessex Domestic Appliance Descaler with eight parts water. Pour the descaler and water mixture into the reservoir. Switch on and allow the mixture to complete the percolating cycle. Empty and repeat the process with fresh water.
If you want to find out more then check out the Domestic Appliance Descaler page on this website.
As with all our products we recommend that you carefully read the technical and safety data sheets before use.