Latest News

  1. Wessex Concrete Remover

    This month’s blog is all about our amazing Concrete Remover. Many more traditional concrete removers rely on high strength Hydrochloric Acid, which can give off noxious (and potential dangerous) fumes when in use. Our customers, understandably were not keen on these products as they were unpleasant to use. What they…

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  2. Blog PROFLUSH Marine Engine Descaler

    This month’s blog is all about amazing Proflush Marine Engine Descaler! Proflush came on to the market in September last year and has become increasingly popular and with good reason! It’s a synergistic blend of ingredients that will remove scale, light rust, crustaceans, salt deposits and magnetite from inside marine…

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  3. Wessex Domestic Appliance Descaler

    This month’s blog is all about our Wessex Domestic Appliance Descaler. Did you know that a build up of limescale will affect the energy efficiency of your appliance, meaning that you will spend more money on energy to use it and at the current time, this must be something we…

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  4. Wessex Urinal Descaler

    This month’s blog is all about our amazing Wessex Urinal Descaler! And yes, we know, not the most glamourous of subjects but then neither is a blocked urinal! Our Chemists set to work on solving the problem, the problem of having to use concentrated sulphuric acid to unblock uric acid…

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  5. Wessex Glue Remover

    This week’s blog is all about our fantastic Wessex Glue Remover. Our Glue Remover was designed to meet a need to reduce the headaches experienced when using old fashioned glue removers that contain harsh solvents like xylene. Our customers asked if we would be able to create and effective glue…

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  6. Proflush Marine Engine Descaler

    This week’s blog is all about our new product – Proflush Marine Engine Descaler. Since it’s a new product we decided to speak to Mike Borowski, our Managing Director, and chemistry whizz to find out more about it. The rest of the blog is a transcript of our interview So,…

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  7. Wessex Carpet & Fabric Cleaner

    This week’s Wessex Chemical Factor’s blog post is all about our Wessex Carpet and Fabric Cleaner. Here at Wessex Chemicals, we all know how difficult it can be to keep carpets and upholstery in our cars, vans, and homes really clean! If it’s not children spilling drinks, or dogs walking…

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  8. Brexit – update

    So now that Brexit has happened and a last minute agreement was reached, we are still trying to make sense of all the new rules and regulations. Before the deadline we were very busy ensuring that all of our product information was up to date and that the necessary information…

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  9. Pandemic response

    How did Wessex as a company respond to Covid-19? Which products did you find were in more demand? (hand sanitizer, multi-surface cleaner) Tell us about these products, how they work and why they were crucial for COVID. What measures did you put in place to meet the increased demand? As…

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  10. We Have Moved

    We’re very pleased to announce that we’ve been able to move into our lovely new offices and stores at last. We were ready to move in March but due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we put everything on hold.We’ve now managed, with amazing staff and helpful IT contractors to move everything…

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