Blog PROFLUSH Marine Engine Descaler
This month’s blog is all about amazing Proflush Marine Engine Descaler!

Proflush came on to the market in September last year and has become increasingly popular and with good reason! It’s a synergistic blend of ingredients that will remove scale, light rust, crustaceans, salt deposits and magnetite from inside marine engines.
As any boat owner will know, marine engines can suffer from build up of all of the above! As the build up increases it restricts the flow through the pipes, and some of smaller sea creatures can even start to grow inside the pipework!

Restricted pipework means that the flow reduces and so engine efficiency decreases. Eventually, if left untreated, the engine can overheat.

Proflush contains an inhibitor which prevents zincification and pinking of brass and bronze components. If also contains an indicator which changes colour to show that the product is exhausted and more Proflush needs to be added.
To use Proflush you need to set up a circulatory system using a reservoir and a small pump. Once this is set up you need to add Proflush to the sump. The product is red but as it is working it turns orange. You will also see some effervescence. You need to keep adding Proflush, slowly in increments, until the return flow turns back to red which indicates if has run out of material (Scale, salt deposits, crustaceans) to react with.
Proflush will remove 1.09Kg of calcium/scale equivalent per litre of product used. This means that it is much more efficient than more traditional products and therefore much more cost effective. So not only is it more effective (the removal rate is much higher) but it also costs less per litre than more traditional products.
Importantly it has a low hazardous rating for a marine engine descaler which means it can be easily neutralised with either sodium bicarbonate or soda ash.
It can also be used on heat exchangers and air conditioning units, basically anything that suffers from pipework restrictions due to sucking up sea water.
If you want to find out more check out our Proflush page (Click on the link below)