mould suppressant 1 litre

Mould Suppressant

Mould Suppressant is a dual-purpose product which works by dislodging the biological residues which can cause unsightly black and green growths and lead to slippery surfaces.


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Mould Suppressant is a dual-purpose product which works by dislodging the biological residues which can cause unsightly black and green growths and lead to slippery surfaces.

Its primary use is for treating surfaces which are not soiled but need a refresh. Over several weeks it will restore the surface back to a clean appearance.

Secondly, it can be used as an overwintering solution to preserve the appearance of the surface and prevent greening.

Mould Suppressant does not work immediately so do not expect to see a visible difference straight away. The appearance of the surface will have visibly changed after a few weeks and we do recommend a second treatment, on a dry day, 2 weeks after the initial treatment.
In the coming weeks and months, you will notice a lack of new growth on the surface as the product continues to work keeping the spores at bay and preventing regrowth. We have had reports of customers keeping surfaces clear or black and green growths for up to 2 years!

For further technical and safety information please see the sheets available below.

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