Bio 40 – 5 litre

Bio 40 is a super concentrated biological product which uses enzymes to breakdown and remove bad odours.


Bio 40 is a super concentrated biological product which uses enzymes to breakdown and remove bad odours.

Bio 40 contains a delicate perfume to mask bad odours whilst the enzymes biologically break-down the molecules which cause odours, the molecules are then converted into Carbon Dioxide and Water.

Once any solid organic material has been removed, simply spray on to the affected surfaces, whether hard flooring or soft fabrics and allow to soak in and do it’s job.

As it’s a biological product it will not harm surfaces which are normally unaffected by water and can be left without a need to wash or brush off.

We have had many reports of new uses for Bio 40, anything from a pint of milk spilt in the boot of a car to the smell which remained after a vixen had been relocated from underneath a house. Any natural odours can quickly be covered completely removed with just a few sprays.

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